The 120 AEX Stiff Extruder and Pug Sealer combination gives you the same performance, ease of operation and durability as our 90 Series extruder.
The difference? 50% more output per hour.
Want to scale production? Nothing else comes close.
The 120 AEX Stiff Extruder and Pug Sealer combination gives you the same performance, ease of operation and durability as our 90 Series extruder.
The difference? 50% more output per hour.
Want to scale production? Nothing else comes close.
Steele engineered the 120 to push more materials than our other extruders. You can direct-set green product on kiln cars or transfer across multiple belts before firing or curing.
Running 20 hours a day, 330 days a year, the 120 will produce 445,500,000 Standard Brick Equivalent.
Your investment in Steele machinery includes our application engineering, parts, service and technical support for your plant operations. Learn more about how we support heavy clay production.
The 120 recycles production residues sustainably and cost-effectively, recovering captive value and converting it for use in other applications.
Agglomeration and stiff extrusion for pelletizing briquettes requires less moisture and binders. It also ensures the particle size distribution you need for consistent performance in the furnace.
Learn more about how Steele can help you recover value from your waste streams. Our resource recovery solutions cut landfill and raw material costs for a more sustainable solution.
The 120 processes materials between 5-20% moisture with varying plasticity, handling a wide range of raw materials. The 120’s design and construction move those materials through the die at a higher volume than the 90 Series.
The 120 AEX Pug Sealer uses a large, open pug tub and enclosed sealing auger section for high-shear mixing and de-airing. It also features a split sealing core, sealing die, shredder and auger sections for fast, easy maintenance or replacement.
The sealing auger case includes replaceable, long-wearing high-chrome iron alloy liner segments for extended durability and easy maintenance. The adjustable pitch knives resist abrasion and are engineered for difficult-to-handle raw materials.
There is no standard bulk raw material, so we engineered adaptability into our new stiff extrusion combination. The 120 extruder and pug sealers have multiple motor positioning options and variable speed drives, for different products and output sizes.
Multiple wearing part configurations give you customized settings for your specific raw material. The 120 Series works with a wide range of dies and includes hinged mouthpieces for fast die changes.
Our in-house die design and manufacturing supports your material processing. We’re here to give you the product quality and consistency you want with scale.
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