MINEXPO, the world’s largest mining event, covers the entire industry—exploration, mine development, open pit, underground mining, processing, safety, environmental improvement and more. The event runs September 24-26 in Las Vegas, featuring the latest technologies and services to level up your operations and support long-term growth.
Stop by Booth # 2203 in the North Hall for more information about Steele and our mining and materials processing solutions. We’ve placed our even feeders in paste backfill applications for over 20 years and can help you with paste and mine tailings.
Steele mixers run worldwide, processing dust from baghouse collection terminals. Like our feeders, they’re engineered to run 24/7 with minimal maintenance. Today, as every industry pursues decarbonization, our machines extract value from various ores, including iron, manganese, chrome and nickel. We’re also working with biochar, as we help customers run more sustainably and cost-effectively.
Steele will be neighbors at MINEXPO with VHV Anlagenbau, a market-leading material handling company that specializes in conveying solutions. We’ve worked with VHV Anlagenbau all over the world and appreciate the reliability, flexibility and simplicity of their solutions.
Josh McClain, our mining sales specialist, will be at MINEXPO. Email Josh here and read more about Steele even feeders for paste backfill here.