We launched our weekly webinar series in 2020 at the beginning of the global pandemic. These webinars were short and packed with useful tips for machine operators.
Operators and maintenance pros liked them, so we’re bringing them back, but with a big improvement. We’ve scrapped the live Zoom format. Instead, we’re recording the Weekly Hacks and posting them on LinkedIn and YouTube at 11AM EST every Wednesday.
The Weekly Hack series re-starts this year on Wednesday, April 7.
Watch on your schedule
If you have six minutes to spare, you have time to watch the Weekly Hack. We’ll show you how to maintain your Steele machines for optimal efficiency and higher quality output.
At the end of every month, we’ll send out a brief recap on that month’s Weekly Hacks and a peek at what’s coming next month.

Do you have a topic for a Weekly Hack?
Have a question about your Steele machines, material preparation, feeding or extrusion? Drop us a line at info@jcsteele.com.