A business doesn’t make it to 130 years without a few personnel changes along the way and Steele is no exception. Please join us in congratulating each of these professionals on their next moves!
NLMK, a leading global steelmaker, has begun hot tests at its new metallurgical briquette plant in Lipetsk. The production technology, which features Steele stiff extrusion, was developed by the late Ivan Kuranov, a legendary Russian steelmaker, professor and former chief blast furnace operator at NLMK Lipetsk. Kuranov supervised the design of the plant, which will produce 700,000 metric tons of extruded briquettes annually.
ALTA 2019, the metallurgical conference in Perth, May 18-25, draws senior industry representatives from around the world to share “ideas, innovations, technologies and projects.” So Endy Faulkner, Steele Global Accounts Manager, will be on hand to talk about solutions for recovering high-value nickel laterite in by-products.
Iron and steel is a growing global market for Steele, which is why we attended AISTech 2019 in Pittsburgh. The conference is all about powering a sustainable steel industry, so we went to spread the word about our stiff extrusion technology and how extruded briquettes complement sinter.
Terry Mendez, our sales engineer and project manager for Latin American and the Caribbean, recently worked with Latercer SAC, a growing brick maker based in Lima, Peru.
Recently, a customer wanted to produce a queen-size brick with 28% void, strong enough to handle with setting equipment. When their existing setup couldn’t deliver, the customer called us.
Running abrasive materials or looking for longer wear life? Check out the Steele high-wear coatings for bridges. They’re engineered for specific materials with a fully customizable coating configuration.
Congratulations to TMS International! The industrial mill services powerhouse has opened their first Extruded Product Services plant in Latin America, on premises at CAP Steel in Concepción, Chile.
TMS incorporated Steele stiff extrusion technology into a new service line — EPS, or Extruded Product Services®. EPS is scalable, continuous process engineered to lower raw material costs, one that lets mills unlock the value in their waste streams instead of shipping it off-site.
The Clemson Brick Show always draws a small but enthusiastic crowd. We kicked off the 2018 Show week with plant tours. Customers from around the world caught up with friends they hadn’t seen since last year, looked at new automation technologies and learned that Steele machines are available in custom colors.