Steele to host three stiff extrusion seminars in 2019
J.C. Steele & Sons will host three Stiff Extrusion Seminars at its corporate headquarters and manufacturing plant in 2019 (March, June and September). Register here.
800.278.3353 (Toll-free US) • 1.704.872.3681
J.C. Steele & Sons will host three Stiff Extrusion Seminars at its corporate headquarters and manufacturing plant in 2019 (March, June and September). Register here.
TMS incorporated Steele stiff extrusion technology into a new service line — EPS, or Extruded Product Services®. EPS is scalable, continuous process engineered to lower raw material costs, one that lets mills unlock the value in their waste streams instead of shipping it off-site.
The Clemson Brick Show always draws a small but enthusiastic crowd. We kicked off the 2018 Show week with plant tours. Customers from around the world caught up with friends they hadn’t seen since last year, looked at new automation technologies and learned that Steele machines are available in custom colors.
Steele stiff extrusion offers a sustainable, economical alternative to landfilling sludge, fines and dust, with material handling and shaping to agglomerate raw materials for feedstock.
An excellent article on a Steele customer taking a leadership role in addressing environmental issues in the steel industry, recycling iron ore fines, carbon-rich LD sludge and blast furnace dust for his furnace feedstock
J.C. Steele & Sons will host a Stiff Extrusion Seminar at its corporate headquarters and manufacturing plant in Statesville, NC on October 23-24, 2018.
Planning to attend the 2018 Clemson Brick Forum? Steele is hosting an International Customers Tour, with a week of activities before the Forum — and we hope you’ll join us. The Tour is your chance to meet brickmakers from all over the world, exchange ideas, best practices and contacts, and have some fun too.
Did you miss Steele’s webinar on steam events and hardcaking in the barrel — sponsored by the National Brick Research Center? Now you can replay it!
When we talk to furnace operators about converting metallurgical by-products into engineered feedstock, they always ask one question. “Where can we see a plant run our materials?” So we built a full-scale facility in Middletown, OH.
J.C. Steele & Sons will host a Stiff Extrusion Seminar at its corporate headquarters and manufacturing plant in Statesville, NC on June 12-13, 2018.
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