Steel is an endlessly recyclable raw material. Nearly all steel scrap can be recycled, but this won’t always meet production demands. Fortunately, steel production residues can be recycled for reuse in production. This is critical because of the rising cost of and demand for raw materials. Mills lose up to fifteen percent of raw materials fed into furnaces, as particulates in dust and sludge.
Landfilling these metal oxides isn’t sustainable. Neither is accepting such high losses in production. And both run counter to the idea of zero-waste steelmaking. The question is, what’s the best way to manage byproduct recycling for your mill?
The new Steele mobile test plant lets you see if our stiff extrusion solution will work for you. We’ll deliver the test plant to your mill and run trials to convert steel production residues into engineered feedstock. Your management and melt shop operators can see proof of concept on-site.
Test our ability to produce dependable consistent feedstock
The mobile test plant is a plug ‘n’ play solution, one we developed with our colleagues at Direxa Engineering. The plant includes a commercial feeder, pug sealer and extruder, plus vacuum controls and weight scales — all in one platform. It’s a scaled down version of our larger stiff extrusion production lines. It fits in a 20M x 10M building and requires only water and power hookups.
We’ll install the mobile test plant on your site and provide application engineering to produce the feedstock your melt shop wants. This is critical because the furnace operators’ approval sets the stage for a continuing return on investment.
Mobile test plant trials demonstrate multiple benefits
When you recycle steel production residues with stiff extrusion, instead of landfilling them, your mill benefits in various ways. You reduce your raw material demand (one of our mill customers now runs 100% extruded briquettes). You save energy and reduce your carbon footprint, because stiff extrusion is a cold-bonding process.
You also shorten your supply chain, producing dependable, consistent feedstock on-site. Our process is sustainable and scalable, supporting zero-waste steelmaking and the circular economy.
See for yourself
There are various solutions available for recovering high-value metallics and carbon units. We’ll bring ours to you. This solution starts with application engineering and technical support from Steele’s raw materials experts and laboratory and test plant services.
There’s no capital risk. In fact, Steele customers typically find that these feedstock trials pay for themselves in recovered value — and even turn a profit.